point of entry 2023
Exhibited at San Francisco Arts Commission and Galleries. 'Transcending Physicality: The Essence of Place' curated by Minoosh Zomorodinia.
point of entry, repurposed steel tri-cone drill bit, sheetrock, wood, acrylic, 2023,
72”x 96”x 45”
Nested on top of a three-level plinth inside a bright red corridor is a tricone drill bit, used for fracturing the earth’s surface to extract oil, gas, and water.
'point of entry' uses museological display aesthetics to recontextualize this tool as a sacred aesthetic object. The narrow width of the corridor only accommodates one person at a time to walk down the corridor.
divided sea, ink on Kitakata paper, 2020, 17.5” x 21.5”
A framed print is hung on the exterior of the left wall. This etching illustrates the Caspian Sea’s agreed-upon maritime boundaries dividing the sea between surrounding countries, Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Iran. The sea is notable for oil and gas resources. In this etching, I removed the national borders and rendered the theoretical boundaries as stitches on the body of water.
matter of time, UV-cured inkjet print on foraged Pleistocene clay, 12" x 8.5" x 1/4"
A bisque-fired clay slab is displayed on the right exterior wall. The clay is used to support the print of a plastic jug. The clay and plastic debris were collected from the same site on the shores of the Outer Cape Cod.
of petra & alchemy