s emsaki

point of entry 2023

drywall, wood, acrylic, repurposed tricone drill bit, archival print on foraged wild clay, ink on Kitakata paper with walnut frame

Exhibited at San Francisco Arts Commission and Galleries. 'Transcending Physicality: The Essence of Place' curated by Minoosh Zomorodinia.

point of entry, repurposed steel tri-cone drill bit, sheetrock, wood, acrylic, 2023,
72”x 96”x 45”

Nested on top of a three-level plinth inside a bright red corridor is a tricone drill bit, used for fracturing the earth’s surface to extract oil, gas, and water.
'point of entry' uses museological display aesthetics to recontextualize this tool as a sacred aesthetic object. The narrow width of the corridor only accommodates one person at a time to walk down the corridor.

divided sea, ink on Kitakata paper, 2020, 17.5” x 21.5”

A framed print is hung on the exterior of the left wall. This etching illustrates the Caspian Sea’s agreed-upon maritime boundaries dividing the sea between surrounding countries, Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Iran. The sea is notable for oil and gas resources. In this etching, I removed the national borders and rendered the theoretical boundaries as stitches on the body of water.

matter of time, UV-cured inkjet print on foraged Pleistocene clay, 12" x 8.5" x 1/4"

A bisque-fired clay slab is displayed on the right exterior wall. The clay is used to support the print of a plastic jug. The clay and plastic debris were collected from the same site on the shores of the Outer Cape Cod.

of petra & alchemy